Tuesday, October 25, 2011

movement class(nuworks)

In nuworks class we took a class wit this other nuworks class over movment and the teacher was mr.richards. well lets get to know him he is veryyyyyyyyy creative and have a veryyyyy crazy imagination. also he is crazy in a good way and if you are on his bad side then in a bad way but other than that he is an awsome teacher and if you are taking his class its best for you to just follow directions and keep your mouth shut and DNT CHEW GUM big nono. now to this point of this blog it was so fun the class get you to really to think hard but it gave you a good example of movement but take a movement class it will be fun and it will really be fun with mr.richards and kids that dnt listen and chew gum and cant dance

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Steve Jobs was born February 24, 1955, to two University of Wisconsin graduate students who gave him up for adoption. Smart but directionless, Jobs experimented with different pursuits before starting Apple Computers with Stephen Wozniak in the Jobs' family garage. Apple's revolutionary products, which include the iPod, iPhone and iPad, are now seen as dictating the evolution of modern technology